Move to Empower: 2019 what a wonderful year!
From partnerships with the UN and international NGOs, to new vocational training programs and continued presence in Kenya, India --and now Peru -- 2019 has been a year of growth and exposure for M2E!
Meet Harriet - Take One/Teach One - M2E
Thanks to our supporters, M2E was able to help Harriet, once an orphan in Kenya, reach her goal of self-sufficiency through fitness. She is now a certified Zumba instructor spreading her joy teaching vulnerable children in the area about exercise!
Meet Taniya - Take One/Teach One Program
With the support of M2E’s vocational programs, Taniya, a resilient survivor in Mumbai, is now a licensed Zumba instructor, teaching marginalized girls in Asia’s largest slum, and teaching them the meaning of true strength along the way.
International dance day 2019
In celebration of International Dance Day, M2E hopes that if given the chance to sit it out our dance, we hope you DANCE like this little girl we met on our service trip to Cambodia.
M2E Community Rep Taniya teaching marginalized girls in India
For a shining example of what M2E’s Take One Teach One program can accomplish, enjoy this sneak peek into one of M2E Community Rep Taniya’s Zumba classes for marginalized girls in Dharavi, one of Mumbai's largest slums.
Move to Empower - World Health Day 2019
M2E returns to the UN for the 3rd year in a row to share the significant impacts of fitness on health, and how we have used fitness as an empowerment tool to bring about lasting change across the globe.
Move to Empower - Donate Today!
M2E is committed to helping our community members in Cambodia, Kenya, and India... your donation can help us on this journey!
M2E takes part in International Women's Day Movement
Meet the key members of M2E who stand together for women achieving work-life balance on International Women’s Day, 2019. "Better the Balance. Better the World."
M2E School Visit in Kibera, Kenya
M2E CEO Toni Rubio speaks to the Fafu School in Kenya about our mission to empower their future leaders, and Simeon Ajigo, founder of the school, shares the positive influence this has had.
Move to Empower Kenya Community Rep Brian Odina
M2E’s Community Rep Program and partnership with the Fafu School allowed us to discover Brian Odina. Once a boy on the streets of Kibera, Brian became a licensed Zumba instructor and AFAA certified fitness instructor thanks to M2E vocational programs. He now uses his talents as a fitness professional in Nairobi, and as a volunteer giving back to his community.