Building off of a successful partnership in Haiti, M2E has once again joined forces with the Abundant Health Initiative. Through various events, M2E has played a central role in the global and national launch of these wellness programs, with the goal of reaching millions of children around the world with the message of physical fitness and mental wellness. Our team of professional fitness instructors, nutritionists and education specialists have been an integral part of the development, launch and roll-out of this effort.
Northeast Conference Roll-out
Mt. Vernon, NY
Most recently, M2E helped launch the Abundant Health Initiative at its Northeast Conference by coordinating fitness and nutrition workshops for children and adults hailing from communities across NY state -- from Long Island to the Catskill Mountains. M2E CEO Toni Rubio oversaw the effort, alongside fitness expert John Layseca, nutritionist Kevin DeEsso, and children's education specialist Laurel Warager.

National Conference - Global Launch
Atlanta, GA
In March 2018, UMC once again featured M2E as the fitness experts of its Global Health Ministries Abundant Health National Conference. Emphasizing wellness of body, mind and spirit, Abundant Health looked to M2E for its valuable input on the development of its programs in the areas of fitness, nutrition and mental wellness.

Pilot Program
New Rochelle, NY
In the summer of 2017, M2E helped to launch Abundant Health efforts in this Westchester community by coordinating a grass roots Health Expo that promoted physical activity, provided nutrition education and built awareness for mental health wellness among local families. This event served as a prototype for the rollout of thousands of planned Abundant Health programs around the country.